We are a physical body, the soul being mind and personality, and a dead spirit until we confess repent and receive Jesus as savior, Lord of our life.
Jesus provides a reborn spirit, eternal life.
The flesh body remains the same.
Compare your rebirth, God’s righteous seat inside the holy spirit living within you to a dead spirit.
A seed that rots, burns in eternal punishment because no spiritual rebirth takes place.
The reborn spirit is vulnerable to flesh, devil’s lies, world standards.
The flesh wants to control the mind, rain so fights the reborn spirit, but a fleshly mind is overcome when we yield control to the spirit.
The spirit nurtures new thinking changes of heart instructs mind’s thinking to change from flesh thinking and behavior to godly behavior.
1 Peter 2:2 states, desire the sincere milk of the word that you may grow.
Jesus loves you.